Howdy, Y’all! Welcome to The Gamingverse. This website is all about gameplay. It is geared to the infrequent gamer. The mom or dad who has only a couple of hours a week to themselves or the person who has free time after work to get in a couple of levels of gameplay. WARNING! There will be spoilers on this website because I might be ahead of you in the game. However, if you want to look ahead to see what a particular game might bring you might find that video here. Most importantly, this website is about you guys having a fun and entertaining experience. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.

I’m a Husband, Lawyer, and Gamer in that order. I have been gaming since I got my first Atari 2600 at age 10. Since then I was hooked and I’ve played every console, arcade, and handheld I could get my hands on. I play to have fun, but I also like the competition that comes with gaming.

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